Time to get the "Z" out?


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WCZC Handbook
Nissan Sport Magazine


This booklet is designed to help you become acquainted with the Windy City Z Club (WCZC) and Club events. Many of the typical annual events are listed and described here along with helpful hints and suggestions to make involvement in the WCZC easy. Attending the club events will not only increase your knowledge of your Z but may also save you more money than the cost of your club membership.

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Membership Packet

New members receive a window decal as well as a membership card plus a subscription to our electronic newsletter Team Z. A WCZC membership card will save you up to 25% on your parts orders and up to 20% on service at our Club Sponsors.

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The Newsletter

WCZC members receive a copy of our newsletter Team Z. The newsletter contains articles of technical help, scheduled Club events with information and directions, features and interests, and calendar of events. If you have a suggestion, idea, complaint or news, you are encouraged to write our mailing address and share it with the club. Paid members may place classified ads in the "Z-Mart" section of the newsletter at no charge. The only requirement for free classified ads is that the ad must be Z-Car related and not a business related ad. Team Z is exchanged with other Z clubs across the USA.  The newsletter is primarily distributed electronically via email or can be downloaded from the website.  (windycityzclub.com)

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The ZGM (Z General Meeting)

On the first Sunday of every month from October to May, excluding November (see Birthday Party below), the Windy City Z Club conducts a monthly Club meeting - barring holidays or weather. Each ZGM time and location will be announced in the newsletter. But most of the time they are the first Sunday of the month and start at 6:00 PM.  We encourage attendance of the ZGM if you are interested in membership. Locations are announced in the newsletter or on our website.

The ZGM consists of, reports from Board Members, reports on upcoming events, and committee reports. You also have the opportunity to read newsletters from other clubs from across the country and around the world (a good chance to find parts for your Z-car that you may not find in our newsletter) and guest speakers to talk about Z-related goods and services. Time is usually available for a social gathering where you can bench race (talk Z-cars), compare notes, or check out other rides. The ZGM is an excellent way to meet other members of the Club and your elected Officers - and you may learn something! Bringing your Z-Car to the meeting is not required, (especially as many are stored over the winter). 

The ZGM consists of Club business, reports from Board Members, reports on upcoming events, and committee reports. You also have the opportunity to read newsletters from other clubs from across the country and around the world (a good chance to find parts for your Z-car that you may not find in our newsletter) and guest speakers to talk about Z-related goods and services. Time is usually time available for a social gathering where you can bench race (talk Z-cars), compare notes, or check out other rides. The ZGM is an excellent way to meet other members of the Club and your elected Officers - and you may learn something! Bringing your Z-Car to the meeting is not required, (especially as many are stored over the winter). 

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Nissan Sport Magazine

The Windy City Z Club is a partner club with Nissan Sport Magazine.  Each WCZC member receives a subscription to Nissan Sport Magazine (a $17 value) as part of the clubs yearly dues.  Nissan Sport Magazine is dedicated to the Nissan and Infinity enthusiast community.  Nissan Sport currently publishes on a quarterly basis, and is a high quality full color magazine covering all aspects of the Nissan family of cars and trucks, including coverage of all generations of Z cars.  Articles include first drives of new vehicles, focus articles on reader rides, project vehicles, technical information, events, classified, and much more.

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Tech Sessions

The WCZC conducts technical sessions in conjunction with our sponsors. These sessions are held year round, rain or shine. Tech sessions can be cosmetic or mechanical. Some of our past tech sessions have included paint and wax, fuel injection, safety inspection, tires, engine dyno-tuning, and wheel repair service. Some sessions may require a reservation to reserve your spot. Tech sessions are usually held on a weekend morning or afternoon, and may or may not include lunch. Always check the individual event listing for details. 

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Autocross, Rallying, Racing

The WCZC does not usually host track events.  However, for those interested in enjoying the limits of the car just for fun at a legal venue, some of the club members are members of other car clubs, and members interested in the hot lapping, or competitive events can find information on the Midwestern Council of Sports Car Clubs and SCCA.

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Road Trips

There are seasonal road trips each year. The kick-off to the Z-driving season begins with the "Spring Fling" road trip. The season ending journey is called the "Fall Fling" road trip. Dates may vary according to the weather. Both trips take you through the back roads of Illinois, Wisconsin, or Indiana as much as possible. You'll stop in historical venues, visit museums, have lunch in local cafes, or picnic in a State Park. The idea is to enjoy your Z-car with others who have the same interest and handling characteristics. 

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Cruising Nights

On selected nights during the summer months the WCZC hoists Cruise Nights. Early in the evening the club gathers at a predetermined site. Sometimes a short cruise may be in the itinerary first. The cruise nights are laid back. There is no car judging, your Z could be a show car or a project car, it doesn't matter. These cruise nights are ideal for members to meet each other, discuss Z problems, news, club events, look at photos, look at the cars, eat and solve world problems. The event lasts until people are ready to leave.

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Road America

Since 1976 there have been road trips to Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin, home of Road America (RA). This road course is located about one hour north of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and is considered by many as one of, if not the best road course in the United States. Road America hosts the June Sprints, the Vintage Races, the CART races and the Road America 500.  The June Sprints is a SCCA event and the first RA event of the year. Vintage weekend features classic and historic racing vehicles plus a Saturday night concourse in Elkhart Lake. The Grand Prix of Road America features the CART Championship series. The WCZC often caravans to the event, usually meeting at the Lake Forest Oasis on I-94, before heading to the Road America.  The RA events are is always there for your enjoyment, but watch the newsletter calendar for the official Z Club event attendance. 

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Z-Car Shows

Z-car shows are usually hosted by one of our sponsors. Divisions of classes are commonly by generation of the Z-car (1st 1970-78, 2nd 1979-83, 3rd 1984-89, 4th 1990-96, 5th 2003-2009, 6th 2010-?). There may also be a "People's Choice" and "Best of Show" award. Trophies or awards possibilities are announced prior to the event in the newsletter. The judging is relatively informal, and cars are judge on appearance and cleanliness.

Cruisin' Z USA kicks off the car show season at the beginning of Summer, and the season ends with the Octoberfest Show. Admission to compete at any show is a minimal amount of money. This is to encourage participation and to cover show expenses. There is no fee to attend the shows if one just wishes to look. Some members also attend the National Convention and show their cars where they are judged using national guidelines (see National Convention elsewhere)

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The Z Picnic

Occasionally the club hosts a family picnic and Z-Car get together. The sites vary and are chosen according to recreational offering and location. Children of WCZC members, and guests are encouraged to attend, as this is a family event. Everyone usually brings a food item, and the club may pick up the main course and beverages; however, this changes from year to year as there is no set strict format. Volleyball or other games are usually available.

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The Birthday Party

The first Saturday of November is traditionally known as the Windy City Z Club's birthday, with the biggest Z bash of the year. This party takes the place of the November ZGM. The birthday party is usually held at a local restaurant, and is the highlight of the year as Club sponsors contribute Z-related parts and prizes for raffle to WCZC members. The prize you may win may be worth more than the registration fee and often more than what you paid for an entire year's membership! Often there are enough prizes to go through raffle numbers more than once, so you may walk out with more than one prize! 

At the Birthday Party the current Board of Directors each give a short summation of the past year and the President gives a State of the Club Address to let you know what the club has done the past year and what lies ahead. Awards to WCZC members for work done during the year are handed out. Voting for the Board of Directors is also done at the Birthday Party

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The National Z Car Convention

Since 1988, there has been a national convention for the Z-car. Various Z clubs throughout the USA and Canada put in bids to host the event, years before the event. The host Club and location changes every year and is usually held in late June or July. A variety of business and technical meetings, a national Z-car show, autocross events, touring, and the closing banquet and awards presentation, along with the opportunity to meet Z owners from all over the United States and the world highlight this annual event. There are also national Z-related businesses sponsoring this event in attendance. The WCZC may organize a caravan for members who wish to drive to drive to the Convention. 
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Volunteer Work

  • The Z Club does not operate without the aid of volunteers as the club is a hobby for everyone involved- including the elected Officers. There are plenty of areas where volunteers help in running the Club. A few are listed below: 
    • Board Member.  The Club is run by a volunteer board.   Elections are held yearly at the Birthday Party and are open to all members.
    • Newsletter. Volunteers are needed to put together the newsletter, contribute articles, and get the newsletter out. 
    • Event Host or Helper. Volunteers are needed to help out at Club events including Z-car shows, road trips, and race events.
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    We hope this section helps you to understand some of the exciting events and Z-car knowledge you can look forward to as a member of the Windy City Z Club. We look forward to seeing you at one of our Club events, and hope our Club is your choice to enhance your enjoyment of your Z-car to the utmost.

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    Updated Feb 9th, 2025

    If you have problems with any of these web pages, please contact the WCZC Webmaster, Glenn Johnson at: